Info: updated as of 16 Sep 2021

E-commerce is growing faster during MCO Movement Control Order in Malaysia, these days almost everyone will know three things:

  • Facebook Live - as hot as live auctions where anyone can grab even fishes and vegetables
  • Zoom - the default communication method for meetings or seminar
  • E--commerce - buy anything online anytime

Payment Gateways in Malaysia

There are many in Malaysia, we will just share most that we come across often

  • SenangPay
  • Stripe
  • iPay88
  • BillPlz
  • KipleBiz
  • eGHL

To make the comparison easier, you need to be aware what types of transactions you need on your website:

I need Bank to Bank purchases only

Setup FeeNoNoNoRM 288 (Waived)RM488
Annual FeeNoNoRM300 and higherRM530RM500
Interbank transfer
RM1.503% + RM11.5%RM13.0% or minimum MYR0.60

I need Bank to Bank and Credit Card purchases

Setup FeeNoNoNoRM 288 (Waived)RM1,388
Annual FeeRM1,800NoRM300 and higherRM530RM500
Interbank transfer
RM1.503% + RM11.5%RM1 per transction
Credit Car, Debit Card (local)2.5%3% + RM12.5% and lower2.5%3.0% or minimum RM0.60

We are trying to make an apple to apple comparison, so we included Credit Card and Debit Card. Example BP actually has a free tier for interbank transfer ONLY.

What is Payment Gateway?

In order to facilitate payments online for better reconcialation (As a seller you will NOT need to ask for bank-in slips anymore! ) Payment Gateway does few things :

  • sets the pricing of the total - that means no more miscommunication or mispaid amount (No more "Eh, how come you bank in less?" )
  • allows major malaysia banks (trust us, its every bank transactions you need for 99%)
  • (optional) some allows Credit Card - good for large amounts, some customers like creditcard points, like Maybanks Treatpoints
  • its automatic - no more checking bank slips, no more worrying about slips being tampered


We believe every company is unique with different processes, even within the same industry. We work with our clients to make sure the processes fits your company, instead of the other way around.
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