Since the inception of the Internet technology, online business in Malaysia has become a lucrative venture. Apart from the business offline in any kind of industry, online businesses has even made the source of income to many people. Lucky those who pioneered in this business because they were the first ones who jump up the ladder to success. They had less competition and online presence was less complicated unlike now. SEO in Southeast Asia even was very simple and unguarded by Big Daddy Google. Even social media is not yet ripe in those days, where there wasn’t any room for competition. All you only need was a website and coax Google with proper search marketing. Advertisements even then were not that necessary.
Nowadays, it is more competitive. Even much more competitive with the birth of Facebook, YouTube and other social media platforms. So, there should be a more effort in doing your online presence in order to promote your business. In this just newly opened year 2019, there are much more improved techniques and ways to boost your business online presence in Malaysia in 2019. Social media is improving as well as Google is updating its algorithms, so here are the new techniques we can share to you to boost your business online presence in Malaysia in 2019:
Let’s assume that you still don’t have any business pages yet in social media or a website, it is important that you have one. Create for yourself or have somebody create your business pages. This should come with a logo, your brand. If you do already have business pages and website but needs ways to boost your online presence in Malaysia in 2019, here they are:
Whether you’re in Facebook or YouTube, you need to promote them. You should let people know that you have a page for them to like or subscribe. Aside from inviting friends, share the page’s post in other pages and groups like in Facebook. Share your post in groups related to your industry. For YouTube, you can tag some established channels for them to let them know that you also exist.
There are many SEO techniques in order for your website to increase its visibility in Google when they search for certain keywords. This 2019, the much more effective SEO are, off page and on page: keyword research, long, high quality, articles in your blog page with rich keywords, email outreach, high quality link building, among many others. Hire an SEO guru to have your website optimized for Google search.
There are many tools for social media marketing. There are software that you can use and share your blog posts in all of your social media accounts at the same time. You just need to choose the ideal software that suit your needs.
It is very important to respond to your followers’ comments and complaints or issues. This way the will know that you really care. For instance if customer has a complain that needs to be addressed immediately, respond to it immediately. Focus on your customer’s reaction, comments, including suggestions. These can help your business grow more.
Know more of our recommendations to boost your business online presence in Malaysia in 2019. Contact us now.