Patient Management

We need better ways to manage patient data, more convenient every visit, more accessible every where and more searchable every time. 
Better than existing patient cards, these data will exist forever to help make better medical analysis of past medical histories.

More Accessible Patient Records

We aim to help better management of patient records, inside the clinic or during house calls.


Doctors and physicians are no longer an occupation only accepting in-bound walk-in patients. We are visiting patients even at their homes.
Having patients' medical records accessible even from mobile  can help make treatment plans more accurate and recovery faster. Medical chains can benefit tremendously from information flowing through.


There are multiple instances when there is a need to follow-up and follow-through on a condition or medication. 
Our system provide a systematic approach to remind and mark done so your team will not miss. Doctors can immediately create a follow-up with instructions on the time to their team.


While some of us may shy away from financial matters,  it remains a very important element of your clinic or practice. The system we build helps you create invoices on-the-go and assign it to your team for payment follow-ups.


Whether you are stand alone clinic or a network of clinics we We build integrated systems with sales, delivery and purchases so your operations  can run efficiently just like how you envisioned it to be.


Create walk-in cards on the fly and start seeing patients quickly


Get through all the medical records quickly with searches


Create reminders immediately to talk to the patient at any dates in the future.


It's getting ever more important to record your vaccine calendars and test records 


Create standardized invoices and manage your receivables 


When information is is accurate and up-to-date making treatment decisions becomes easier.

One view to rule them all

Having one view for the entire team has become mandatory for many clinics or center. Stay relevant stay up-to-date with business systems.

How can we move forward?

Managing patients isn't just about making revenue. It's about preparing the practice for the next stage of growth, to record, organize and operate systematically towards a direction and give better treatment plans for patients. Our single focus is helping you achieve what's most important for your clinic.
Real time data
Just in time inventory
Track Purchases and Sales
No installations, operate from phone 

You already know what you want, let us build the system for you

Contact Us
We believe every company is unique with different processes, even within the same industry. We work with our clients to make sure the processes fits your company, instead of the other way around.
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