Website Design Packages for Businesses in Malaysia - UpStore

Web designing is a lucrative industry on the World Wide Web. You can’t build a website without a design. A design consists of a website’s plan, organization, branding, flow chart, and output--especially if this site has a web applications, etc..

Even though you are capable of designing your own website like using free blogging platforms available online like Blogspot and WordPress, you still need an expert in applying the proper procedure on how to design a good, neatly designed website.

The pre-designing stage undergo a process called 'mock-up'. A mock-up is a demonstration on how your site will look like. It’s done by Web designers by using a program called ‘Photoshop.’ Once everything has been agreed on with the design, the development stage begins:

Step 1:

Web developer converts the mock-up into a web programming language to be soon available on the world wide web. This process is done through many sets of files organized into a local server or the developer’s local PC. So the design is not yet live on the Web until everything is complete. It still sits on the local server before it is ready to be served to a hosting provider, to be available on the net. This process includes content writing and content migration so the site have texts to know what the website is all about.

Step 2:

Once the website is ready to go live on the web, purchase a domain name, like And then purchase too a subscription package from a hosting provider. A hosting provider is a server for files made from local server to be available on any browser when a user types your domain name or a URL of your website.

Step 3:

Make some basic SEO, so search engines can easily understand what the site is all about.

Step 4:

Your site is now ready to use by users.

Although some can do this among themselves, it takes a lot of time to complete it. So, the best decision is to look for an exceptional website builder.

To spot a good website builder, you should be able to know the what constitutes a best website builder. Most of the best builders are hired by a web design company. Most of these website builders are well disciplined and trained. They also are getting used to do proper designing on a daily basis, under a strict supervision of his manager. Meaning, our website builders tasks are done properly even before a deadline.

Moreover, the web design company, where the website builder works, will offer web design packages. Web design packages include the domain, hosting, the custom design, the basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) implementation, logo and necessary images. Once your website is built, we don’t stop there. We will you promote your website through our basic SEO service. Our web design packages are made not primarily for us, but for you. We serve others before serving ourselves.

Our web design packages, include all of these services at a very reasonable price. Once you have decided to build your own website for your online business, fill-in the form below or contact us! We offer it immediately to you our web design packages. Just chose among them which suit your needs and budget.

Talk to us and we will do all the hard work for you.

A good website builder understands your business. You won’t go wrong if your builder knows the industry you are in and how to make money out of it. With Upstore, we just don’t understand your business, but we also help you make more and more profits.

We believe every company is unique with different processes, even within the same industry. We work with our clients to make sure the process fits the company instead of the other way around. 

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